Validator Store

Be in control with your validator

Validator Software

Paying a Network Provisioning Fee allows the owner to Register a single Validator on the PrimeLab network. Utility validators, like a GPU validator, could be a Raspberry Pi offering a single graphics card, an ASIC Bitcoin miner, or anything in between. Once registered, the device earns dyanmic yeild based upon the software & hardware requirements of the network.

Usage based validators register a single Web3 Account that mints coins based on the usage it drives through the network. For example, If an investor validator distributes funds to an PrimeLab account that launches a popular app with high usage, the investor validator will mint coins based on the usage of that app because the investor helped make the app possible.


A affiliate validator


Auction Entrance Fee
Estimated Coins:
see calculator


A storage validator


Network Provisioning Fee
Estimated Coins:
see calculator


A storage validator


Network Provisioning Fee
Estimated Coins:
see calculator


A investor validator


Auction Entrance Fee
Estimated Coins:
see calculator


A CPU validator


Network Provisioning Fee
Estimated Coins:
see calculator


A GPU validator


Network Provisioning Fee
Estimated Coins:
see calculator

See our other validator options